What are the Spiritual Senses? Anne Marie professionally navigates and interprets the Spiritual Senses to provide the content matter for your session. Here is an overview of both the Spiritual Senses and the Clair senses to help you familiarize yourself with her process.
NOTE: You do not need to be Spiritual to be assisted with service options apart from Specialized Spiritual Direction. Anne Marie uses only neutral language and does not impose her beliefs, opinions, or personal advice onto you, your session, or in correspondence.

Sweet. Soft. Melodic. Crisp. Bright.
Taste. Touch. Hearing. Smell. Sight.
You are probably very accustomed to navigating all of the information coming your way for your brain to process using at least one or all of the 5 material senses:
Taste. Touch. Hearing. Smell. Sight.
Processing constant incoming information with your material senses takes only milliseconds. I will leave it to the scientists for those precise terms and measurements.
This article looks at root words and root sources for perception and processing incoming information using the non-material senses; the Spiritual senses, which from my personal worldview, I know as specific gifts of the Holy Spirit. I also equate the Spiritual senses with "cultivated intuition, cultivated Insight," and there is overlap with the roots of the definitions of the collective clairvoyant senses. Kindly note, my profession and services are not psychic services.
The means of perceiving beyond the five senses, which all living beings 'have', are described in different ways.
In my experience, perceiving with the Spiritual senses is just like experiencing reality with the 5 material senses; it is an extension to the 5 material, empirical senses.
For me, this all happens without drugs, tools, crystals, gems, trances, fainting, and respectfully, in a non-charismatic way. It's all very calm and I'm simply in my quieted, highly focused, cultivated, meditative, mindful mindset. The information in this article is provided not from a boastful stance, and I claim not exclusivity about any of this.
I intend that this message is conveyed in a welcoming, inclusive manner and to promote understanding as well as for your to reflect on what sounds familiar in your own life.
If you have time, there is more writing at the end of the article about how you also, dear reader, are probably in relationship and familiar with any or all of the ways of knowing described in this article.
"This understanding (Spiritual sense) is not intellectual, is not the result of scholarly attainments, it is the reality of all things brought to light. God's ideas reflect the immortal... and infinite." (505).
"What is termed material sense can report only a mortal temporary sense of things, whereas spiritual sense can bear witness only to Truth." (298).
"... All the spiritual senses of man are eternal. They cannot be lost. (Spiritual senses) are in Spirit and understanding, not in matter, - hence their permanence." (486).
Metaphysical Christian Language
Spiritual Senses | A deeper look
In this particular example of Christian Metaphysics I draw on writing from Christian Science [*Not Scientology*], which is a branch of Christianity (like Lutheranism, or Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian or Catholic).
So much about Christian Science is poorly misunderstood, yet that is a topic for another day.
I use this material because it gives a very clear understanding from this brilliant denomination, which leans heavily towards the metaphysical relation to reality, about the Spiritual Senses.
The word "sense," as an instance, has two distinct meanings: spiritual and material—the spiritual definition implying true perception, consciousness…There are numerous ways in which spiritual sense may be cultivated. The field is God's, and the preparation of the ground for harvest is loving consecration. This consecration itself constantly builds up and strengthens. When we acknowledge no other sense than the divine, wonderful vistas are opened before us; there is a sense of joy in the revelation, and a sense of gratitude for its unfoldment. Through gratitude and joy we mount to Love; and as we manifest love we pass its joy along to others.
When we have washed the windowpanes free of material grime, the sunlight pours through them and dispels the gloom. In the light of spiritual understanding we can see so much of the glory of God that we send up a prayer for this understanding for all mankind. In this larger ministry, thought can no longer center about self, but must become enlarged with the fuller sense of the fatherhood of God and the universal nature of the brotherhood of man.
Spiritual Sense
Alice F. Funken
The Christian Sience Sentinel, July 18, 1931.
You do not have to be spiritual or Christian to join in a session with me. Thank you for understanding that I have been connecting with people form very diverse backgrounds of belief and worldviews.
Clairaudient: "clear hearing," the faculty to hear sounds said to exist beyond the reach of ordinary experience or capacity.
Example: Think of the sound of rain. (Make sure it is not raining!) You are hearing this sound but with what ears? because it is not actually raining. That's basically how I experience perceiving with "clear hearing." One step further; in response to a question asked during a session, clairaudience can happen yet it is new, precise information that is important to the situation. This is the least frequent sense that I experience during a session.
Claircognizant: "clear knowing" : the ability for a person to acquire (be given) accurate knowledge without knowing how or why he or she knew it.
Clairempathy: "clear emotion," Able to sense or "feel" within oneself the attitude, sensations, thoughts, and emotions of other people or animals.
Clairscent: "clear smelling," Able to smell a fragrance or odor that is beyond the finite perception of the material, olfactory sense. (Again, these are Spiritual senses; beyond the finite five senses.)
Clairsentient: "clear feeling or sensation" as distinguished from perception and thought : ('Clear Feeling') the ability to feel strongly and sense the emotions and feelings of people, animals, and places around them.
Clairtangency: "clear touching," Able to perceive information about an article, its owner, and / or history by holding an object or by touching someone or something. This ability is commonly known as psychometry.
Clairvoyant: "clear seeing," someone who receives intuitive information visually : the faculty of discerning objects not present to the finite senses, able to see beyond the range of ordinary perception. The access and application to the Spiritual senses.
Example: picture an apple in your mind's eye/when you close your eyes. What color is it? Where is it located? Is it on a table, still on the tree? Is it sliced or whole? etc.
That is basically what it is like to "be shown intuitive information visually or being given information visually using the Spiritual senses." Many, precise details are shown in the mind's eye very rapidly that are specific to the question or session and to provide benefit.
Yes! Insight is a Spiritual sense.
Insight: seeing into the True nature of reality.
The capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing. Greater awareness of the inner workings of reality; breaking through illusions.
My Notebook Post for a look at INSIGHT
MY CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES STATEMENT My statement is intended to be clarifying for those guests who are practicing Christians and need to understand what I adhere to because from the very outset I was asked to, and it has been my responsibility to clarify my position and beliefs of Right Practice and Right Praise.
If you've spent any time on my website, you know that I am dedicated to approaching these services for you with deep roots in ethical conduct! When ethical codes of conduct are in the core of the person providing these styles of services, I think, and have been taught, that it is a responsible path to best serve others.
Calm and Neutral
Sessions in any service option with me are a calm, peaceful, and as an aspiration, uplifting experience.
I use neutral language, I do not impose my beliefs onto the session, I do not bring up my beliefs in any correspondence. Thank you for taking a moment to be on the same page with me.
That about rounds it up for now although barely scratches the surface of the topic! There are some extra materials below for those who have the time.
As ever if you have any questions about this topic or about any service option, kindly contact me.
Additional reading for those readers out there!
Remote Viewing: the ability to acquire accurate information about a distant or non-local place, person or event without using the physical senses or any other obvious means.
It is associated with the idea of clairvoyance, seemingly being able to spontaneously know something without actually knowing how one got the information. It is also sometimes called “anomalous cognition” or “second sight.” Within Christianity, I link this way of perception to the Holy Spirit gift of Understanding.
[Isaiah 11:2-3]
Medical Intuition: intuitively perceiving information concerning the human / animal body.
A person with this type of perception can energetically read the insides (organs, glands, blood, etc.) of our bodies.
Within Christianity, I link this to the Holy Spirit gifts of Discernment and Understanding. [Isaiah 11:2-3 and 1Corinthians 12:8-10]
Is "Our Charismata"... "Charismatic?"
NO, my services are not Charismatic. Kindly understand, respectfully written, that Our Charismata service options and my practice is NOT "CHARISMATIC," as in the Charismatic movement, speaking in tongues, Charismatic Revival or Renewal, and Neo-Pentecostalism in the Christian Churches and related charismatic fellowship services and worship services with the associated zealous qualities.
I am simply using the word "Charismata," which is translated from Greek to mean gifts, and within Christian Spirituality translated more freely to"gifts of Grace or gifts of the Holy Spirit." Especially significant information for those joining me in Specialized Spiritual Direction sessions; I am very transparent that my source for discernment and other Spiritual gifts is not "various gods," but God-YHWH-the Holy Spirit, by Grace.
Bright Note
There is a strong line of thought and belief that we all have Spiritual senses, bright intuition, and access to the "clair senses". Within Christianity, this is called: knowing that each has been given Spiritual Gifts and there is every encouragement to use them responsibly out of service and founded in Love. See, this way of relating to Life spans demographics!
Following that line of thought, each person has these senses, all or some, to varying degrees. Many schools of thought and theology say it is about how receptive we are to them and the degree of readiness for them.
I have also found in meeting and talking with people that at certain times in Life one or more are heightened and then at other times in Life much of this falls into the background for any number of reasons.
Interestingly, this type of perception is not a thing to try to force to arise. It is also nothing to boast about for personal merit. I write about it here not to boast, but to provide some context and connection!
Well, as you read, you may find that you are already familiar with these ways of perception in your own life experiences. Isn't that something! Based on the majority of people I have known, met, or connected with since my youth, especially in hindsight, it is clear as day these senses were and are present in their Lives, and additionally yours. I enjoy clarifying and validating for people which of the Holy Spirit gifts are strongest in them, including the overlap of the "clairs.'
Thank you for your interest in understanding, and even perhaps relating to, how I navigate the information for your session content matter.
Thank you for understanding that I have been connecting with people form very diverse backgrounds of belief. Since I do offer just one service option that is in place for practicing Christians, Specialized Spiritual Direction, some writing throughout my website will reflect the language within Christian terminology because Christians are also reading this website material. Overall, I use only neutral language, no tools or drugs, am not "charismatic," and I do not ever impose my beliefs, opinions, advice, or general life advice onto you, you session or in any correspondence.
*Definition quotes for Spiritual Senses are from:
Eddy, Mary Baker. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Boston, The Writings of Mary Baker Eddy, 1934.
Copyright April 2024 Our Charismata. Updated January 2025.