H e l l o ! I am delighted that you are here.
Our Charismata
Anne Marie Varrella
Honestly, Openly, Helping
My Professional Commitment of over 10 Years.
My clients include
People's animal family (Pets)
Professionals who work with animals | Pets, fosters, various medical-healthcare settings, trainers, therapy animals, military and police forces animals, farm life, zoological establishments, wildlife refuges, sanctuaries, habitat restoration.
Environmental Professionals | My services as an Interspecies Intuitive Communicator also assist sustainable, rewilding, and resilience environmental professionals looking for interspecies Wisdom to balance out, accompany, the science for their practices.
Companioning those who welcome the areas of support and guidance that I am present to offer has continued to inspire me.
The empirical is important and for depth of perception it is simply provided with truly specialized accompaniment.
Aged into my 40s, I have been serving for over 7 years available to clients worldwide (remotely), and 5 years part-time prior to that locally in Pennsylvania.
I live a drug and alcohol free lifestyle. For every service option no tools are used.
With over a decade of responsible, disciplined cultivation, this is applied mindfulness and metaphysics. "We go from clarity to clarity."
My Professional Commitment of over 10 Years.
Yes, these heightened senses of perception have been with me from birth. Yet, most often in the early decades of my Life, this way of perception was in the background and oftentimes not fully remembered as many obligations pushed for priority. I see its development into a clear professional calling as being about timing and the conditions of my Life; interior and exterior.
It was about ~12 years ago as of 2024 that I arrived at a quiet point, also called a point of "conversion," [no drugs involved] and I moved in harmony with the opportunity to be present and available to the fullness of these specialized faculties and how this can be of beneficial service in the Lives of others.
Then, I actively began to cultivate the inner Life, ethics, professional guidelines, and experiences with clients (prior to forming Our Charismata) that, in turn, allow me to offer you trusted guidance and accompaniment.
The Pathway to "Professional?"
As an example, some wonderfully-hearted people sense that they "want to become an animal communicator" and so they attend workshops and eventually work at skills until they can demonstrate professional proficiency.
Since this is all intensively innate while simultaneously being peacefully recognized, I have not needed to attend the amazing workshops or classes available in order to become this type of service provider at this professional level, (this includes all service options).
Yet, essential to note is that ever since dedicating to this service as a full-time professional,
I have been attending to and refining my relationship to the Spiritual perception abilities (and the inner landscape needed for efficacious and ethical service) into a disciplined, trusted, Professional capacity. This commitment to quality has also included the accompaniment of veteran mentors. I have a community that supports me in upholding ethics, accountability, and reflection.
VOLUNTEERING MY SERVICES to clarify how I may assist you
Learning and volunteer opportunities in related settings are ongoing, and I welcome new opportunities to offer my services as a volunteer for relevant professionals who are interested yet need further orientation.
A Specialized Skill Set to Benefit you in an extraordinary way
Spiritual perception allows me to see; to perceive past the point of prescribed limitations for knowing.
These faculties and their honed, disciplined application are pure gift and I acknowledge that.
A quality of Life accompanied by Grace, rather than personal merit, is honored with each session.
To further clarify the use of "charismata" in Our Charismata: these service options do not include me speaking in tongues or relaying your information in a frenzied or potentially overwhelming way, which are attributes often connected to charismatic church denomination experiences; written here with respect and regard for freedom of worship. Rather, with/from me for you, attuning to the Spiritual senses to source your session contents requires (attended to daily over a decade in practice) a combination of disciplined, practiced stillness, quietude, listening deeply, which upholds an atmosphere of calm, bright, and centering qualities for our time together.
What I am shown through Spiritual perception, vivid expression of intuition, is translated into the concrete and practical for you. The result is real-time benefits with personalized specificity for immediate application.
Your receptivity is met with sure attentiveness and a glad welcome.
I intend to be an approachable provider, colleague, and a resource to foster awareness across all backgrounds about how these services are actually useful and serve a meaningful purpose.
"Being a bridge, a companion, and translator in these experiences remains an eternal place of wonder, and brings radical beauty into my every day.
​How to give back due to being placed in the pathway of such fundamental Love?
I assure that in each aspect of service there is time-tested and well-formed professionalism grounded in universal ethics, which supports the dignity of all beings.
I personally acknowledge with thanks that the purity of Love and Truth, limitless, the Light for seeing, is the centering provision and content of your session.
My job as a bridge for Counsel, Insight, and Animal Communication is to stay attentive, receptive, agile, discerning; in an attitude of reverence.
Articulated by the selfless, global role model Saint Mother Teresa, 'God is doing the work. I remain faithful.'"
Anne Marie
Founder and Services Provider
"The senses of Spirit abide in Love, and demonstrate Truth and Life." M.B. Eddy
How is a gift to be received?
To me, in my Life, this is a gift to be in a place where I may offer the services found here in my personal practice, Our Charismata for approximately 7 years, and part-time prior for 5 years. So, gratitude it is, and the outcome of gratitude, giving, is what I offer you.
In my personal interpretation, I am not 'running a small business.' It cannot be helped that in my Heart, in my view I am part of a larger process of offering an 'aiding service' in the truest sense of those words.
Did you know? You, and your Loved ones, are also part of this process with me. You bring all that is needed to allow a session to unfold. I do not operate from a place of hierarchy; "I" do not have any exclusive specialness. For all of what is in me innately is within you as well. ...Yet here, decades in the making and through this moment, I have prepared, studied, etc., and do the "reading of the fine print" for you.
Another difference serving in a professional capacity:
I am the navigator and translator in the session, in the service of sourcing answers for your questions and companioning you based on many, devoted years of professional, disciplined cultivation.
It just so happens that the conditions in my Life from birth, and then as a dedicated professional mindful of the ethical and skillful application of these faculties for perception (the Spiritual senses/Insight), I simply and joyfully bring out, bring forward, what has been gifted to me, which also allows each session to unfold.
Our time together is a stunning collaboration of everyone involved.
The intention of offering a True Presence for
spaciousness and for giving a welcome to you and your situation.
In the time of our session together, a remarkable foundation is presented for us.
For me, you are a new person without baggage.
You are in a space where I see those with whom I work as a whole being. I put on no labels.
I put on no judgment, agenda, no personal opinions or advice, which gives way to a clearing like none other.
You and your circumstances are not shown to me as the 'world' would present them to me.
Rather, with a clear and quiet focus I am shown a perspective of Truth
for guidance
for validation
for edification
for Peace
As a practice, I am in a space of letting go:
to learn, to un-learn, to learn again, because we are on a continuum, and inherently, interiorly
free in Truth and responsibility.
The centering of Unconditional Love as the foundation of reality and the expression of Wisdom when perceived with the eyes of the Heart;
if I am in that statement as a guide what is my title?
I am at peace without any title.
I can just relay what I have learned is a main lesson from my experiences:
'Love is reflected in Love.'"
Anne Marie at Our Charismata
Quote: M.B. Eddy
From Birth
I have lived in, lived with, these experiences, these distinctive faculties not by any extraneous effort, pursuing, or study on my part. Relating to Life, and perceiving all aspects of the fullest extent of Life with the Spiritual senses is what I have known since birth, which includes the animal family.
I feel very compelled to honor the natural world and its inhabitants, and to be a steward of their well-being in all ways possible.
Being present and aware in nature, and with animals, has continually provided every nutriment on many levels.
Serving as a Professional Intuitive Interspecies Communicator is one way that I can give thanks in return, with the hope to engage more people in this peaceful and Loving gesture.
It is also my aspiration to assist in making Intuitive Interspecies Communicator/Animal Communicator sessions a much more familiar and comfortable option so that its astounding benefits may be known first-hand as useful and full of purpose.
Continuously, there was always the underlying presence of the call to live a Life devoted to a Spiritual vocation.
Aspiration: Letting my Life experiences contribute to benefiting the Lives of others.
My journey has felt filled with experiences enough for 3 people's lifetimes. The correlating Life experiences appear to have been condensed into a formation that has positioned me to coalesce everything by forming Our Charismata, and offering these services for you.
What normally would have been a standard adulthood journey by modern American society's standards has been, rather, a winding, humbling, and not completely conventional road due to highly diversified interests, broad-spanning studies, internships, culturally diverse exposure and travels for both educational and living purposes, and prior career paths that helped to refine my vision and discernment.
Recovering my Health further opened the way
Especially during the most intensive time of recovering from medical injuries after my first two careers, there was the deepening of the interior faith Life. This is often called a time of 'Spiritual formation,' which changes the person's Life in significant ways.
In the process of this sojourn, among other contemplative practices, I connected to quietude, 'slowing down,' and the wholeness of all that we are, including wildlife and nature - freed from what the material senses show us. After the fact, I have become aware that in those years especially (and continued), I was given the conditions to enter a daily practice described as "Cultivating Presence," in the Zen Buddhist tradition and similarly, "Cultivating Attentiveness to God's Presence," in the Christian tradition.
Music Industry & Teaching
At times, Life and past career conditions made my vocational calling less prominent. Since the foundation of Our Charismata, (and a few years prior), the conditions came together so that this devotion is: in its fullness active and fluid, realized as a professional service, opening the pathway to assist others and to welcome others to what is full of promise and is quietly ready when they are.
With hindsight, I have noticed that each piece along the way has led to its culmination of being here, offering as a service Our Charismata services worldwide.
Student Teaching Practicum for M.S. Education
Teaching Full-Time
I have an ongoing practice for over two decades of various forms of mindfulness meditation and contemplative prayer.
Their existence interwoven within me is an integral aspect of being able to offer Our Charismata services.
I like to welcome others into these areas.
I am still in the process of articulating how mindfulness practices and contemplative prayer serve to underpin all else that I do in a deep sense of stability; a solid foundation, yet at the same time not by my own "striving."
Highlights of f o r m a l study for Meditation and Contemplative Prayer include:
Received ongoing Spiritual Direction, PA.
I wanted to be a professional Spiritual Director at age 17!, but the minimum age for becoming certified is 35+ years.
NOW! Over two decades later from my first feeling compelled at age 17, I completely understand the wisdom behind why there is an age minimum.
See https://www.sdicompanions.org
Weekend Retreat for monastic discernment
(age 17) at the Mount Saint Benedict Monastery Erie, PA with Sister Joan Chittister, Prioress.
With a specialized course on Lectio Divina.
Full-Time Residency at Pendle Hill Quaker Center for Contemplation and Study, Pennsylvania.
A class series on Celtic Spirituality with Philip Newell, former Warden of the Iona Abbey in Scotland.
Graduate of an 8 week course on Mindfulness at the Myrna Brind Center at Jefferson University Hospital, PA.
A special affinity with Silent Retreats. "Observing Silence."
"From Birth" status to "Cultivating a full-time, ethical Profession / Ministry"
The deepening range of intensity of 'my' Spiritual senses, and the personal acceptance to publicly serve as a professional Intuitive Interspecies Communicator, Specialized Spiritual Director, and Words for the NonSpeaking Provider increased over time, which I attribute to a variety of factors.
Those gifts refining themselves (by way of Grace) to a point of unprecedented distinction that became central - "The center and circumference." - in my Life.
​The natural ebbs and flows of being engaged in the Christian faith Spirituality journey, which is a continuum. Being within community - with beloved role models.
Without drugs, an especially significant interior transformation took place wherein the way I saw my identity and purpose in relation to the world change. In certain language, that is when people express, "Grace breaks through," and there is a cornerstone, inner conversion. After having spent time in two careers, then after experiencing two near death experiences very close to each other (within one year) and the stillness and slowing-down that arrived while working through unexpected medical injuries, the option, the most peaceful gift was presented: to give way to a fundamental reordering of my world, re-prioritizing all of my attachments and how, in doing so, I observed the essential arise to the forefront.
I was irreversibly inspired to cultivate being a professional, well-rounded, provenance-aware provider of Our Charismata services with single-pointed attention to most fully give, be present, serve, and contribute because of the eye-opening compassion and empathy that washed over me.
"Where Love is involved, there is wholeness, for Love is the most powerful force there is."
It was a profound time in my Life that marked and clearly presented the path forward: the departure from my previous careers, and the consequent, natural transition of my Lifestyle to become more similar to that of lay monasticism because those are the modest conditions that contribute to how and what "I" am able to bring to Our Charismata sessions with you.
​All of the above contributed to the culmination of a pivotal inner conversion experience.
A perspectival shift took place having everything to do with a "beginner's mind finding me," and "Yet not I, but the Grace of God with me." 1 Corinthians 15:10
B r o a d e n e d A p p r e c i a t i o n based on Diverse Life Experiences = non-judgment. Feel at ease, not judged, understood and respected when we connect; this is my intention. In this Insight Counsel field, in my public service, Our Charismata, my Life and study experiences enable me to have a broader appreciation, perspective and inclusivity: various cultural traditions, varying economic situations, family dynamics, various medical/therapeutic paradigms, religions, faith groups, metaphysics, and non-religious/non-spiritual orientations, gender orientations, all without judgment or presuppositions. This broader exposure from travels, studies, and largely diverse life experiences keeps me grounded and compassionate as a Specialized Spiritual Director, and Animal Communicator.
I feel full of thanks for those closest to me who support me, teachers in the Heart of the faith, mentors and colleagues in Intuitive Interspecies Communication, and in my very diversified personal community who have generously offered their encouragement and guidance. You keep me and Our Charismata services honest, reflective, and accountable. T h a n k Y o u.