"Ethical Conduct flows from lived reverence for all of Life, self, and others."
Guidelines for Ethical Conduct
Declaration of Principles
Our Charismata with Anne Marie
This page provides the several Codes of Ethical Conduct for services with Our Charismata, with Anne Marie. These Codes of Ethical Conduct apply to all prospective clients, clients, former clients, each session, and any correspondence.
My Ethical Principles have been developed from personal reflection, informed experience, mentorship, and are also an aggregation of other inspirational points of reference, which are listed at the end of this document.
Additionally, because it is central to my practice, there is a specifically quoted Code of Ethics for Animal Communicators, which is entirely written by Penelope Smith. [Animal Communication work is also called Animal Welfare Advocacy Solutions.]
Personal Formation, Supervision, Responsibility, and Limitations
Do no harm. I Honor that which is the Highest Good for all involved.
I maintain the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct, and undertake ongoing efforts to develop and maintain my competence.
I participate in personal and communal Spiritual practices and disciplines.
I continue to discern my call, and aptitude, for this ministry / service.
I have a community that continually helps me to be held accountable in the areas of vanity, Spiritual vanity, discernment about any suggestion of being a "false prophet," and being watchful about misusing Charismata.
I receive regular supervision from peers, or from a mentor.
I seek consultations with other appropriately qualified persons when necessary.
I study, research, and contemplate sacred texts, theology, Spirituality, various models of psychology, and the socio-historical contexts of each service modality across world religions, faith, and non-faith groups.
I nurture self-knowledge and freedom.
I practice self-care: aiming to wisely balance time for Spiritual practice, professional development, leisure, family, and personal relationships.
I have an ongoing practice of Mindfulness Meditation in its various forms, Contemplative Prayer in its various forms, and Lectio Divina.
I recognize the demands of energy required for this service, and aim to balance the amount and frequency of sessions. It is important to maintain a healthy work-Life balance to best serve the client.
I choose to Live a lifestyle that promotes holistic wellness. I do not use recreational drugs or alcohol before or during a session, or in general.
I remove myself, with respectful notice, from any situation that compromises the integrity of engaging in a session.
An "Unplugged" Balance
15. I choose to Live a Lifestyle that is not heavily engaged in the constant use of email, texts, social media, news outlets, etc., and the use of the mobile phone 24/7.
My mobile phone does not have the internet.
These choices provide me with the type of quietude, receptivity, and inner awareness required to maintain a balanced Spiritual practice that underpins each session.
I am thankful for any appreciation regarding my non ultra-fast, but professional tempo of email correspondence.
* To Note: Not watching or reading news outlets is not meant to keep myself an uninformed, irresponsible global citizen. Without the constant news headlines and the manner in which they are delivered infiltrating my daily Life, our sessions are less subliminally influenced by those topics and the accompanying charged emotions; in this way, I can be a 'clean' resource. As a connecting bridge, translator, I learn what is going on from the Source of your Messages. I have designated people in my Life who inform me of the very pressing news matters and without all of the emotional undertones.
16. I do not impose my personal beliefs, opinions, or personal Life matters into the session, nor force a client to believe what I believe.
17. I do not claim 100% accuracy at all times because no human being in these services is perfect. Spirit, God, Pure Consciousness, your term of reverence, exists in the ultimate omniscience and timing.
18. I provide clear definitions within the Our Charismata website for the key terms used in this specialty counseling framework so that myself and the client may have a mutual reference point. There can be one word but many definitions, and it is my job to contextualize the definitions of the key words within my practice. I hold an open line of respectful Dialogue about this. Browse my HELPFUL DEFINITIONS page.
On Transference, Countertransference, Projection, and Remaining a Blank Screen in this Service
I work diligently to not superimpose my will or my own personal filters onto a session.
I make it known to clients that “I,” Anne Marie, am not the Source of the Messages; that I am only a connecting bridge.
I seek to remain, more or less, anonymous to clients, and try to find a balance between being cordial and conveying the Fruit of a session. This supports the boundaries of both the client and myself.
Dignity, Beneficence, Autonomy, Transparency
I treat all clients equally without prejudice or discrimination based on gender identity, race, ethnic background, national origin, religious affiliation, economic status, sexual orientation, disability, and language.
Sessions are held in an atmosphere free of judgment and without agenda.
It is made clear to my clients that while I can offer medical intuition, I am not a licensed psychologist, psychiatrist, or medical doctor.
I am vigilant about not going beyond the boundaries of my competence.
I do not participate in fraudulent claims, practices, promises, or the exploitation of a person who is emotionally in a vulnerable, or desperate state.
I do not exploit these services, nor a client in any way.
I hold no intention that the service I offer should supersede the Principles and teachings of many religious traditions.
In the context of "prophet," I am not a prophet, and I hold no intention to be regarded by a group of followers as the final authoritative revealer of God's will.
I deeply respect the client’s values, culture, conscience, Spirituality standpoint, and any relevant theology. I honor all terms of reverence.
10. I acknowledge that my services are not a substitute for the client’s established, personal methods of discernment and guidance.
11. I encourage and support clients to accept total responsibility for their Lives and the choices they make in their Lives. I honor the client’s freedom.
12. I am vigilant and aware of not fostering a codependent relationship of any kind between myself, my service, and the client.
13. I aim to inspire in the client a personal vigilance about any addictive or overly dependent behavior in seeking these services.
14. I fully support the client's own innate inner Wisdom, insight, intuition, and I encourage any client to pay attention to, and nurture, those facets of the client's Life.
15. I support the client’s choice to not reschedule with me, without the client feeling obligated to provide any explanation.
16. I set reasonable fees with no hidden costs or surprise fees, and I do not keep a client engaged in a false manner just to increase my earning.
17. I reserve the right to end the session and any correspondence with an abusive client.
18. I refrain from sexualized behavior toward the client, including but not limited to: manipulative, abusive, or coercive words or actions.
19. I respectfully communicate to the client if I feel I am not a good fit for the client, or do not feel can provide any further service.
20. I keep the client’s welfare in mind; in cases where I feel I cannot serve the client to my standards, I advise the client honestly, refund money, and I suggest an alternative service provider or resource center.
21. I choose to not engage in friendship-based, casual email correspondence between sessions to keep the professional boundaries clear and in order not to gather information about the client. This is not intended to be interpreted as a lack of care or genuine goodwill that is held towards the client at all times.
22. Friendships with clients are not formed. I allow approximately one year after the final session to discern about a friendship, if the client chooses to address that.
23. I do not conduct a search on the internet or otherwise about a potential client or active client. Whether the client has inquired about having a session, has one session, or has recurring sessions, I do not research nor have anyone research for me, about any aspect of a client's Life. Gathering information about the client, the client's Life, is not a productive use of my time and focus, and it genuinely interferes with how I am able to utilize, or to become attuned to, specific gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Spiritual senses as described within Our Charismata.com.
24. It is critically important to the competency and clarity of my personal practice and approach to know basically nothing at all pertaining to clients, except for what unfolds only in sessions. If I do know aspects about the client organically, circumstantially, I still intend to enter into the session with a mindfulness practice that helps me to start with a "clear view," as free as possible from what the worldly senses put forth.
25. When I am away from email for longer than usual, or out of the office for a duration of time, I aim to give notice to recurring clients and I provide an automated email setting that describes my updated status. I also ensure to suggest an alternative service resource who may be contacted during any extended absence on my part.
Social Media, Telecommunication
Due to the importance of the client's confidentiality and the importance to minimize dual relationships, it is not a "given" that because I am, for example, a "connection" with someone on a social or networking website, that this someone has been, is, or may be a client. Adding clients as contacts on these sites does not truly compromise confidentiality and our respective privacy. I do all that I can to assure not to blur the boundaries of the therapeutic relationship based on interactions on these social media sites.
I keep all sessions confidential, and I do not record any session.
I protect the identity of clients.
I keep confidential all verbal, written, and electronic matters.
I recognize and disclose here the limitations of confidentiality of electronic communication.
I accept and work with Non Disclosure Agreement contracts.
I address legal regulations requiring disclosure to appropriate authorities including but not limited to, child abuse, elder abuse, harm to self and others.
It is ethical to disclose confidential information when the client consents to it or when there is a real and imminent threat of harm to the client or to others and this threat can be only removed by a breach of confidentiality. When disclosure is required, only information that is essential is revealed.
Animal Communicators / Interspecies Telepathic Communicators Code of Ethics
AUTHORED BY Penelope Smith 1990.
"Our motivation is compassion for all beings and a desire to help all species understand each other better, particularly to help restore the lost human ability to freely and directly communicate with other species.
We honor those that come to us for help, not judging, condemning, or invalidating them for their mistakes or misunderstanding but honoring their desire for change and harmony.
We know that to keep this work as pure and harmonious as possible requires that we continually grow spiritually. We realize that telepathic communication can be clouded or overlaid by our own unfulfilled emotions, critical judgments, or lack of love for self and others. We walk in humility, willing to recognize and clear up our own errors in understanding others’ communication (human and non-human alike).
We cultivate knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of human, non-human, and interspecies behavior and relationships, to increase the good results of our work. We get whatever education and/or personal help we need to do our work effectively, with compassion, respect, joy, and harmony.
We seek to draw out the best in everyone and increase understanding toward mutual resolution of problems. We go only where we are asked to help, so that others are receptive and we truly can help. We respect the feelings and ideas of others and work for interspecies understanding, not pitting one side against another but walking with compassion for all. We acknowledge the things that we cannot change and continue where our work can be most effective.
We respect the privacy of people and animal companions we work with, and honor their desire for confidentiality.
While doing our best to help, we allow others their own dignity and help them to help their animal companions. We cultivate understanding and ability in others, rather than dependence on our ability. We offer people ways to be involved in understanding and growth with their fellow beings of other species.
We acknowledge our limitations, seeking help from other professionals as needed. It is not our job to name and treat diseases, and we refer people to veterinarians for diagnosis of physical illness. We may relay animals’ ideas, feelings, pains, symptoms, as they describe them or as we feel or perceive them, and this may be helpful to veterinary health professionals. We may also assist through handling of stresses, counseling, and other gentle healing methods. We let clients decide for themselves how to work with healing their animal companions’ distress, disease, or injury, given all the information available.
The goal of any consultation, lecture, workshop, or interspecies experience is more communication, balance, compassion, understanding, and communion among all beings. We follow our heart, honoring the spirit and life of all beings as One."
Ethical Code and Disclaimer on Christian Practice in relevant Our Charismata services
https://www.sdicompanions.org/media/guidelines-for-ethical-conduct/. May 2022.
Pope, K., Vazquez, M., Chaves-Dueñas, N, Adames, H. (2021). Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling: A Practical Guide.
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
12. https://animaltalk.net Code of Ethics for Interspecies Telepathic Communicators. Formulated in 1990 by Penelope Smith