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Why Our Charismata

Photo © Tahir Abbas

W H Y   "O U R   C H A R I S M A T A"

All faiths, non-faiths, and other are Welcome.



In Community | Interdependent | Innate to All

To take the focus off of me. I am only the connecting bridge, helping joyfully.

"Our Charismata" inherently decentralizes my role as operating on self-sufficiency, claiming any exclusive authority or special merit.

Rather, the intention of "Our" charismata orients these services within a context of everyone's presence holding and bringing value, highlights the unifying theme of unconditional Love, as well as the innate abilities and Spiritual senses for perception within each being, within all of Life.

This "Our" also affirms community, being amazingly interdependent with all of Life, which is also called interbeing.


"My" role is to be the professional facilitator; to bring with my presence the responsibility of having cultivated the qualities and discipline that allows me to navigate a beautiful, generative, and ease-filled experience that directly attends to you and your topics at hand.

No drugs used. No tools. Just connection.

A sincere aspiration is to Lovingly help your gaze fall and stay on that which makes all of this possible rather than on "me."




Gifts are meant to be shared...

It can be said that gifts people and Living beings have interconnect all of Life, and are meant to be shared with ALL in the service of all, including our animal family, to collectively unify,   uplift,   encourage,   enlighten,   awaken,   guide,  validate,  support, and meet your needs at the time that is right for you.

So, participating in a session is a natural outcome of sharing in and benefiting from the many gifts of Grace in each of our Lives.




D E F I N I T I O N 


"Charismata"From the Greek χαρίσματα. 

A translation is "Gifts."

A translation is "Grace.""

Gifts to be used in the service of others.



"I see clearly with the interior eye."
St Catherine of Genoa (1447-1510)

IS "OUR CHARISMATA" ... "CHARISMATIC"? NO, my services are not "Charismatic." Kindly understand, respectfully written, that Our Charismata service options and my practice are NOT "CHARISMATIC," as in the Charismatic movement, Charismatic Revival, Renewal, or Neo-Pentecostalism in the Christian Churches and related charismatic fellowship and worship services with the associated "zealous" qualities. I am simply using the word "Charismata," on its own, which is translated from Greek to mean gifts. Calm and Neutral. Sessions in any service option with me are a calm, peaceful, and as an aspiration, uplifting experience. I use neutral language, I do not impose my beliefs onto the session, I do not bring up my beliefs in any correspondence. Thank you for taking a moment to be on the same page with me.


O U R  C H A R I S M A T A  sessions

begin within the aspirations of   thankfulness,  service,  warmth,  compassion, freedom,  and non-judgment.


A very warm welcome to All  
A judgment-free atmosphere for all beliefs, all cultural backgrounds, personal circumstances, all gender identities, all frames of reference, every societal status.

All topics and emotions that arise are within a professional setting where it is my honor to provide you a place that is free of judgment at all times.



< Secular > < Spiritual > < Christianity > < Not Defined? >


With each service option, all demographics are given the full transparency that my personal beliefs and opinions are not imposed into the context of your session or any correspondence.



Worldwide.  World views.  You are fully welcomed and respected. 



F r e s h   S p a c e  

I have purposefully taken great consideration in cultivating, writing, and maintaining my Ethical Code of Conduct in my full-time practice to best honor you and to help orient this discernment modality within a fresh and Trusted context, in a   s p a c e   where relevant Wisdom meets you.



O U R  C H A R I S M A T A's  formation was inspired by

the transformative power to be of help for others with a focused loyalty to the Principles of Truth and Integrity while upholding your personal freedom, privacy, independence, innate wisdom, and inherent wholeness at all times.



O U R  C H A R I S M A T A  is a resource

for learning and sharing with others about Specialized Spiritual Direction Services, Words for the Nonspeaking modality, and Animal Communication, which is also known as Intuitive Interspecies Communication [IIC], and to to safeguard the public from misconduct and misrepresentation.  

Additionally, there is encouragement of Dialogue about these services within Christianity, across diverse cultures, among differing world views; to inspire curiosity about topics that invite a person to go further into or beyond what the existing generalizations and conventional popularity would have us avoid exploring in a healthy, balanced way.



The  S E T T I N G  and

the  L I G H T I N G


Right Motive - Mindful Lovingkindness

is at the root of my practice and the long-felt compassion to companion inner knowing, ease suffering, and to highlight precise, actionable illumination in a gentle yet powerful way is made possible.

With Mindful Lovingkindness and a contemplative mindset, here is a connection for a truly judgment-free and respectful interaction.



Thorough Ethics

are the building blocks that have proven what I offer to be valid and True.



The Substance

supplied for you includes evidentiary precision, practicality, applicability, and transformative meaning. Inspiration in   f r e s h  ways for your Life.



The Source

of how I, in my particular practice, arrive as a services provider can be summed up this way:

"...Ultimately spiritual gifts are not our presumed strengths and abilities, not something that we "have," but what God does through us in spite of ourselves." Richard Gaffin.

 * * * I do not impose my opinions or beliefs onto any session, or correspondence. I use only neutral language clients of all backgrounds express that these are ease-filled experiences. This is a trusted promise.


The Specialized Spiritual Direction session is the only service option that exists to serve the purpose for an openly Christian setting; sought out by practicing Christians. As a Specialized Spiritual Director, the contents provided to me seem to run into limits (beyond my control) in terms of depth and the amount of sessions for seekers who are not practicing Christian Spirituality. Traditionally, with the ancient lineage of Spiritual Direction, a Companion [Specialized Spiritual Director] situated within Christian Spirituality attends to what is presented with a Christian-oriented seeker. In that sacred space, the Christian Companion can most fully and deeply convey any and all messages by the specific gifts of the Holy Spirit (by Grace) without needing to "edit" those messages if they do happen to point out Spirituality, or Christian Spirituality insights. Predictions? With all sensitivity, SSD supports another pathway of inner growth and personal discernment, and even addresses what needing predictions may show about the seeker's faith and Spiritual development. ​

FOR SPECIALIZED SPIRITUAL DIRECTION SESSIONS In Christian theology, often used with the term "pneumatikós {Greek for Spiritual, air, breath}, the expression of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and of the Spiritual senses, is also called C H A R I S M A T A.   This theology includes a non-dualistic view of God as not a separate, personified being from Life. In metaphysics, one of the synonyms for God is Life. I have been entrusted with bringing you into experiencing messages relevant to your personal and Christian faith Spiritual Life topics. Your personalized messages are derived only from me serving as a (calm and centered, non-"charismatic") translator using the faculties of specific gifts of the Holy Spirit perceived by the Spiritual senses by Grace. This is all in a tranquil manner, a mindful experience in which people feel at ease. Grace breaks through not by my personal accomplishment or to put "me" in an exclusive role of authority, merit, or superiority. So in response to that Grace I dedicate my purest intentions, Lifestyle, and continued ethics in practice.  In that way, the small role that "I" do contribute as a translator and presence during the session is to be humble, pulling on years of daily contemplative practices, to be still, and to let what unfolds take place within professional, safe, peaceful, and well navigated parameters.

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