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Christianity in Our Charismata

Purpose   Premise   Context   Substantiation

Christianity in OC

"The gifts of the Holy Spirit in today’s church are not a means of satisfying curiosity or easing anxiety about the future, but are understood as 'the divine strength or ability to communicate God’s Truth and heart in a way that calls people to a right relationship with God.’”  SOURCE

Bright Notice!
The Purpose, Premise, Context, and Substantiation for Specialized Spiritual Direction are in accord with the Catechism of the Catholic Church statements 2115-2116.
Guidelines for Right Practice from the Catechism of the Catholic Church paras. 2115-2116
My Personal Statement of Accord.

"DIVINATION AND MAGIC 2115 God can reveal the future to his prophets or to other saints. Still, a sound Christian attitude consists in putting onself confidently into the hands of Providence for whatever concerns the future, and giving up all unhealthy curiosity about it. Improvidence, however, can constitute a lack of responsibility, 2116 All forms of divination are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or demons , conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to "unveil" the future. Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance,*** and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving reverence that we owe to God alone." The Catechism of the Catholic Church paras. 2115-2116. *** The term "Clairvoyance" in this passage is used interchangeably with "necromancer," "spiritist." I am thankful to clarify that in Our Charismata, we are using the accurate defintion of "clairvoyance," which is literally "clear-seeing" and is related directly to the gifts of the Holy Spirit called Discernment, Knowledge, Wisdom, and Prophecy. 1 Corinthians 12. In Our Charismata, in Specialized Spiritual Direction, clairvoyance is not at all necromancy. Nowhere in Our Charismata services is necromancy present, ever. All of what is prohibited in the above statement is also prohibited in Our Charismata's entire practice. What is encouraged is also encouraged here. Additionally, I have posted this directive from the Catechism to clearly show my agreement with it and how I take great care and responsibility in assuring that my services, my motives, are in accord with God's Law and are in service to One God only {Deuteronomy 6: 4-9}. All sessions are a peaceful experience, in which I speak clearly in English, as I serve to be a faithful, responsible instrument of God's Peace, Gentleness, and Love. I acknowledge that the services I provide are by the breaking through of God's Grace in my Life for the service of others in Christ, and not by my personal merit. GALATIANS 5:22 "But the fruit of the Spirit is is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law." Thank you, for joining me in understsanding the sound guidelines for Our Charismata's practices. If you have any questions, please contact me at

Catholic Church. Catechism of the Catholic Church: Revised in Accordance with the Official Latin Text Promulgated by Pope John Paul II. Washington, DC.: United States Catholic Conference, 2000. Paragraphs 2115-2116.

"Christianity in Our Charismata" and the accompanying Notebook posts content is here for your consideration

This page is here with the intention to be clarifying for those who identify as practicing Christians and who are looking for a provider who also practices the Christian faith.

If you do not identify with Christianity, any religion, or general Spirituality, I hope that you may understand that what is presented on this topic is openly addressed for many practicing Christians' specific questions, which have been asked of me. 

This content is not intended to have people who want nothing to do with Christianity think that any session with Our Charismata is "Christian-centric" during the session and correspondence. In every aspect of session options aside from Specialized Spiritual Direction, I keep all language neutral, and I attend to everyone without agenda. This is a trusted promise.

Thank you for your consideration of the widespread demographic of backgrounds and identities that have connected with Our Charismata services for over 14 years; the varying needs and, therefore, sensitive responsibility required.


"Christianity in Our Charismata" addresses how these services fit into, and have a theologically biblical and scholarly supported presence in the established framework of the Christian religion denominations, Christian Spirituality, teachings, Principles, doctrines, as well as the range of views on charismata.  








Spiritual and Biblical Literacy

The contents of this page, and several Notebook article posts are also provided because, from experience, I have heard and observed repeatedly a gap in the validity of connecting the carefully guided application of the gifts of the Holy Spirit 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 to Spiritually religious Christian discernment services.


In particular,

Specialized Spiritual Direction provision,

Isaiah 11:1-3, which is in the same family as traditional Spiritual Direction / Companionship.


All of Our Charismata's services are made possible by the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit to edify, console, encourage, inspire, uplift, validate, strengthen and expand the Christian faith Life. 

1 Corinthians 14:3,12 

Kindly note, these services are not intended to be a substitute, crutch, or anything other than an accompaniment to what is already established centrally in your Christian Spiritual Life, discernment, devotion, and development.


With the variables acknowledged openly here, I aspire that the dear reader may find the materials supplied informative, eye-opening, thought-provoking, welcoming for interior reflection, and worthwhile for sharing with your faith community in the hopes of spreading awareness and Spiritual-Biblical literacy.

Artwork Georg Flegel

Additionally, the services of Our Charismata maintain and honor: the authority and supremacy of Scripture, do not add to or contest Scripture, are in complete support of a deepening Trust in and reliance on God first and foremost, and encourage everyone to weigh your messages and experiences with the active engagement of Scripture.  

Read Full Statement Below.

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Artwork Georg Flegel Our

On a personal note

"The presence, the unconditional Love, and provision of God have freed me to convey the expression of the Holy Spirit for our sessions. I did not make this happen; there was a breakthrough of Grace.

With a consecrated heart I have been singing a new song of praise for Grace, for being shown this entirely profound relationship to Christ and to all of Life." 

Anne Marie

"By the Grace of God I am what I am...yet not I, but the Grace of God with me." 

1 Corinthians 15:10

Christian Statement
O U R   C H A R I S M A T A  holds no intention that the services offered should supersede the Principles and teachings of Religious traditions.
These services are made possible by Grace and Anne Marie is a steward of them in the name of, for the glory of, Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit.
By reading this, you understand that Our Charismata's services do not exist to contradict the honor, respect, and loving reverence that we owe to God alone.
Services are not offered here as a substitute for or to discourage going first to God at all times. 
This service is only to magnify God's, Jesus', and the Holy Spirit's central presence in your Life as an accompaniment to your established Christian faith Life.
ervices are not a place of false practices, of fortune-telling, not for the profit of power, not to control the future, not to create or nurture an unhealthy curiosity about the future. These services have nothing to do with spirits, ghosts, necromancy, or magic.
Services do not add to, change, or contradict the Scriptures.
Anne Marie has nothing to do with being a Prophet. Anne Marie does not practice as a soothsayer or diviner as found in the Judeo-Christian scriptural or Spiritist traditions. Anne Marie does not ever speak in the name of other gods.

Thank you for understanding this as you consider booking a session.

Is "Our Charismata"... "Charismatic?"

NO, my services are not Charismatic.

Kindly understand, respectfully written, that Our Charismata service options and my practice are NOT "CHARISMATIC," as in the Charismatic movement, Charismatic Revival, Renewal, or Neo-Pentecostalism in the Christian Churches and related charismatic fellowship and worship services with the associated "zealous" qualities.

I am simply using the word "Charismata" on its own, which is translated from Greek to mean gifts.

Calm and Neutral

Sessions in any service option with me are a calm, peaceful, and as an aspiration, uplifting experience. I use neutral language, I do not impose my beliefs onto the session or in any correspondence. Thank you for taking a moment to be on the same page with me.

Brief Notebook Posts Provide 

Purpose - Premise - Context  - Substantiation

within Christian Spirituality for Our Charismata Services

Christian Notebook
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