An Overview of how Anne Marie Varrella's services are not what psychics do. Anne Marie Varrella of Our Charismata is NOT a Psychic, so here are answers to frequently asked questions about how and when Anne Marie of Our Charismata tunes into cultivated intuition, the Spiritual senses (gifts of the Holy Spirit) / Insight clairvoyance, which also addresses her humble opinion about best practices in her distinct profession.

Here is some clarification offered so that my profession and services are
not confused with that of a "psychic," "pet psychic," or other related
pan-Spiritual-intuitive approaches. Written with respect for those professions.
Sometimes, people, not fully understanding how I serve as a professional and what my service options are authentically about, can have doubts and begin to blur the lines between my professional presence and others, as expressed in the following questions.
Below are questions I have literally been asked and if you know me at all you probably know that I appreciate addressing any possible misunderstandings and promoting understanding, and that I cherish clarity, transparency, and being able to not take myself too seriously. I am often the first to laugh at myself, the first to see a joke or quip about what I do, if I haven't already made it first. It's all a healthy process.
“Can Anne Marie 'read my mind' at all times? In public, if I meet her what can she know about me? About my personal Life? About what I prefer to keep secret?
Will Anne Marie approach me in public, or at any time, and suddenly begin giving "messages"?
I know Anne Marie (family, friend, neighbor, acquaintance, business, healthcare provider, past, present, potentially), what now? What has she known about me? What can she find out about me through my dog? What can she find out as a 'Clairvoyant,' a professional intuitive, and using the Spiritual senses or gifts of the Holy Spirit senses?
TIME FOR MAJOR CLARITY! and thank you for taking the time.
That behavior described in the questions above is connected to an entirely different line of work, way of being, profession, and so thank you for taking time to be on the same page with me and with the lineage that I represent.
At the core of this topic, and those valid questions, is understanding and upholding basic Human Rights to privacy and freedom and clarifying what I can do, what my services exist to do, what I cannot do, and what I will not do.
Also, at the core are these basic answers:
No, I am not a psychic.
No, I am not a mind reader.
No, I do not want to know this [the above topics] about you.
No, I do not want to know things about you that you would not tell me yourself.
No, I do not want to "find out" your secrets, not even through your dog (which doesn't happen).
Does this help a bit? ... A lot? I hope!!
Any behavior by an Insight Clairvoyant, a Spiritual Direction provider, a professional intuitive, and even Animal Communicator etc. that contradicts the, "No permission, No Access," Principle I view as unethical and a violation of Human Rights.
This is why I emphasize making this topic a primary piece of information about how I, Anne Marie, approach you and all of Life, as well as related areas within my personal practice.
I purposely separate my "work hours practice" from my "Life outside of providing sessions." Those two areas involve entirely different ways of perceiving and receiving information. This compartmentalizing has always been there.
For example: people have told me how they have been approached by "psychics" in public who started telling them information about their lives that was very personal, and then the thought was: "Where is the line? Where is the ethical boundary?" Even more importantly: Here I can voice and clarify how my professional services at Our Charismata are in a totally different sphere, arena, lane, with critically different intentions and purposes. Additionally, I have a formation of really staunch ethics that underpin my professional work and have also been intertwined with my life in general. These 'staunch ethics' are there to safeguard you in all ways, client or not, and to keep my practice accountable and transparent.
You may be a family member or friend who is just learning that this has been my profession. You may be a potential client, current client, a curious member of the public, a present or future someone who needs to run a "Google" search about me for something Life-related. Thank you, for taking the time to become familiar with an accurate picture of what I do and do not do; while actively working, and while not in my "office hours."
Y O U R A N S W E R S. Recapitulation.
So, please be assured:
No, I do NOT "read a person's mind," and "find out secrets." To be clear, those objectives and activities are not in my job description or know-how. I interact and navigate Life with the normal five senses like everyone else. Yes, there is some level of intuition working because that is inherent in all beings. NOTE! "Attuning to" the Spiritual senses / heightened intuition-insight perception mode is an entire process, and a long-term cultivated practice. It involves a specific, concentrated, focused frame of mind. Sustaining that requires a unique sort of energy and stamina. {No drugs, not tools, nothing dramatic, no fainting or otherwise as depicted in film and tv series. With respect, my services are not "charismatic." They are a peaceful and grounded experience. I chose "Charismata' because it means 'gifts' as one translation from Greek.} > One thing that I can relate my "in work-mode readiness" to is a type of meditation (not trance). There is singularity of focus, quieting of the "mind," having no distractions, and no other people around in my physical space.
No, I do not ever approach anyone, anywhere and start "giving messages." That's right, not even at the dog park. That behavior is connected to an entirely different line of work, way of being, profession, and so thank you for taking time to be on the same page with me, my profession, and with the lineage that I represent. *PLEASE just walk away from a stranger who is doing this.*
In the day-to-day, as you exchange conversation etc. with me, and I am listening / looking at you... No, I am not "secretly picking up information about you or anyone you know." Again, this line of thinking, it appears, stems from confusing my profession with that of psychics and other vaguely-defined intuitive practitioners, written with respect.
Your privacy, human rights, and freedom are always my priority.
Additionally, my profession and my professional services exist for vastly different purposes, intentions, and as has been the case, clients who are purposefully seeking assistance within my specialties.
For example, asking me those above-listed questions is like asking an antique car engine repair expert if she can inspect you, in great detail with medical facts and labs, to determine whether or not you need surgery for glaucoma. [ "All analogies limp." !]
Again with all due respect because I am an advocate of people's responsible liberty, welfare, and having strong boundaries in general, I am aware that it stills irks me when I hear the unethical stories about people having these experiences with psychics, pet psychics, or non-defined 'intuitives.' Kind notice: I have had interactions with professional psychics who also have strict codes of ethics and honor boundaries, so I am speaking generally about those professions, which are often incorrectly confused for mine. Thank you for your understanding.
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."
United Nations | Universal Declaration of Human Rights Accessed August 2021.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, from over a decade of personal and professional experience, I have witnessed time and again that there are Higher Laws in place; call them moral, Spiritual, metaphysical, mystical, divine; these are the sources and Principles that ARE omniscient (all-knowing), beyond human control. These 'Higher Laws' ARE all-powerful and are the first and last authority when it comes to what a Specialized Spiritual Direction provider, insight-clairvoyant, and Animal Communicator metaphysically has access to, as well as, IF and when... if at all. In the most basic terms, from my beliefs worldview, God is sovereign in all aspects. God governs all aspects of the services provided for you. My constant deference is to guidance from God, the Holy Spirit. That Principle, along with established core ethics I hope provides you with the information that you need.
I hope that what is written here helps more people to understand how I define, implement, and respect this work/service at Our Charismata, and all of Life.
With the ethics that I also abide by outside of permission-given-active-service-sessions, I intend for it to be clear that I do not do anything other than to honor You, your privacy, freedom, these services, and the right legacy of these services in all aspects.
Please feel welcome to contact me with any questions related to this article, shared ideas and responses or for clarification at
© Our Charismata. Updated January 2025.