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Anne Marie at Our Charismata
10 min read
Biblically Founded Guidelines in Anne Marie Varrella's Services
Biblically founded guidelines in Anne Marie Varrella's professional services.
Provided in response to questions from practicing Christians.
Anne Marie at Our Charismata
8 min read
The "Spiritual Senses" and the "Clair Senses" in Our Charismata Services
An overview of the "Spiritual senses" and the "Clair senses" to help familiarize yourself with Anne Marie's drug-free, tool-free process.
Anne Marie at Our Charismata
6 min read
Our Charismata Services clarified.
An an overview of how Our Charismata services are not psychic services. Best Practices and Ethics upheld at Our Charismata with Anne Marie.
Anne Marie at Our Charismata
7 min read
Specialized Spiritual Direction?
How Specialized Spiritual Direction with Anne Marie Varrella at Our Charismata accompanies the Christian Faith Life.
Anne Marie at Our Charismata
4 min read
Spiritual Direction. A Portrait.
How the lineage of Traditional Spiritual Direction informs your "Specialized Spiritual Direction" session with Anne Marie Varrella.
Anne Marie at Our Charismata
4 min read
Our Charismata Invites You to Experience Insight
An overview for understanding the terms "Insight" and "Clarivoyance," and how they are applied in Our Charismata's services.
Anne Marie at Our Charismata
9 min read
"On the Cessation of the Charismata" and why it helps to know the story.
An overview of what the "Cessation of the Charismata" means using John Mark Ruthven's publication as a guide.
Anne Marie at Our Charismata
6 min read
"The Gift of Prophecy" by Wayne Grudem. Context and Substantiation for Our Charismata Services
Bringing clarity to the term "Prophecy" in Our Charismata's services. Provided with the intention of optimal understanding. Thank you.
Anne Marie at Our Charismata
5 min read
My Position Based on the Humbling Experience of using the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
And the Courage required. Photo © Gashgeron Galatians 5:22-23 "But the fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, forbearance, kindness,...
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